
Our database contains 397,061 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross monthly salary
gender_icon Cashier Economy, Finance, Accountancy Hanover small company (up to 50 employees) 6,679 AUD
gender_icon Social media specialist Marketing, Advertising, PR Cairo Governorate small company (up to 50 employees) 3,074 AUD
gender_icon HR Generalist Human Resources Cairo Governorate medium company (51 - 249 employees) 2,881 AUD
gender_icon Project Manager Construction & Real Estate Cairo Governorate n/a 35-44 9,605 AUD
gender_icon Nurse Medicine & Social Care Guinea medium company (51 - 249 employees) 9,613 AUD
gender_icon Sales Manager Management Asyut n/a 45-54 13,447 AUD
gender_icon Architect Construction & Real Estate Ireland n/a 35-44 156,912 AUD
gender_icon Junior Graphic Designer Journalism, Printing Arts & Media Giza n/a 3,074 AUD
gender_icon Land Surveyor/Geodesist Construction & Real Estate Germany medium company (51 - 249 employees) 35-44 60,470 AUD
gender_icon Business Development Manager Management Canada medium company (51 - 249 employees) 177,687 AUD