
Our database contains 396,820 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Gross annual salary
gender_icon Customer Support Specialist Customer Support Balearic Islands large company (250 or more employees) 25-34 122,640 XCD
gender_icon Electrical Engineer Electrical & Power Engineering Uppsala medium company (51 - 249 employees) 35-44 153,402 XCD
gender_icon Machine Operator, Machinist Construction & Real Estate Penal/Debe n/a 57,616 XCD
gender_icon Stoker, Boiler Attendant Service Industries Bartın large company (250 or more employees) 55+ 30,073 XCD
gender_icon Civil Engineer Construction & Real Estate Israel n/a 25-34 137,521 XCD
gender_icon Goldsmith, Jeweller Service Industries Oman n/a 25-34 25,269 XCD
gender_icon Car Driver Transport, Haulage, Logistics Cameroon n/a 25-34 3,970 XCD
gender_icon Cleaning manager General labour Clemency n/a 25-34 224,536 XCD
gender_icon Nurse Medicine & Social Care Barcelona n/a 52,560 XCD
gender_icon IT Director Top Management Vienna n/a 35-44 457,868 XCD