
The gross salary range for people working in Tunisia in Economy, Finance, Accountancy is typically from 214 EUR (minimum salary) to 805 EUR (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher).

This is the total monthly salary including bonuses. Salaries can vary drastically among different job positions. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, please choose it from the list.

Gross salary in category Economy, Finance, Accountancy
10% earn less 214 EUR
10% earns more 805 EUR
Salaries may vary by position, the value given is indicative.

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197 - 628 EUR
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Accounting service manager

288 - 1,046 EUR
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Assistant Financial Controller

230 - 802 EUR
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Assistant of Auditor

260 - 514 EUR
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Assistant to a Tax Advisor

289 - 619 EUR
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296 - 903 EUR
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Billing Clerk

225 - 433 EUR
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187 - 366 EUR
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Chief Accountant

287 - 932 EUR
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Chief Accountant Deputy

226 - 644 EUR
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Claims Specialist

216 - 673 EUR
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283 - 1,069 EUR
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301 - 923 EUR
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Cost Accountant

210 - 646 EUR
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Damage appraiser

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Data analyst

298 - 851 EUR
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222 - 686 EUR
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Financial Advisor

267 - 831 EUR
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Financial Agent

273 - 887 EUR
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Financial Analyst

286 - 858 EUR
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Financial Markets Specialist

307 - 1,085 EUR
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Financial administration assistant

319 - 613 EUR
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IFRS specialist

408 - 1,425 EUR
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Invoicing and payment specialist

200 - 630 EUR
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Junior Accountant

162 - 515 EUR
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Junior Statistician

242 - 767 EUR
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Payroll Clerk

214 - 647 EUR
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Reporting Specialist

231 - 731 EUR
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Senior Accountant

263 - 914 EUR
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Senior Statistician

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277 - 801 EUR
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Tax Advisor

330 - 1,068 EUR
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VAT specialist

232 - 897 EUR
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