Gross monthly salary range for this position
10% earn less lthan 1,524 USD
10% earns more than 5,999 USD
Region: Portugal
Work experience: all experience levels
Company size: all company sizes
Education: all education levels
Industry: all industries
Methodology Estimation model
Description of job position
  • Leading a team of sales representatives with the goal of securing their development, coaching, motivation, and continuous growth.
  • Actively seek out and contact important customers.
  • Develop and close large sales opportunities.
  • Maintain sales contacts and care for key customers.
  • Responsibility for achieving the company’s sales goals.
  • Planning sales goals.
  • Presenting complex services and solutions to customers.
  • Concluding co-operation contracts and subsequent care for key customers.

Get the full version of this salary report

Price of the report: 99.00 EUR*

Approximately 102.73 USD
*The prices are displayed without 23% VAT

Frequently asked questions about data collection methodology on Paylab.com

Paylab.com collects data directly from employees. Every employee has an intrinsic need to know if he or she is paid fairly, and hundreds of people compare their salaries on our website every day. In this way, we naturally obtain data from various employees from various types of companies, from small family businesses to large multinational corporations.

The survey methodology automatically detects extreme values from the very beginning. These are assessed in terms of position and region. Extreme values are detected and do not enter further calculations. Experience has shown that 10% of input data do not pass this filter.

The methodology is ready for that as well. When a survey participant fills in the questionnaire more than once, the system detects the duplicate record and ensures that only one questionnaire enters the resulting calculations. We are very strict about this; the statistics say that 20% of the input data are removed precisely because of this duplicate filter. Only adjusted data are entered into the final calculations from which the reports are performed.

We calculate salaries using quantile regression, which takes into account the relationships between positions, regions, company sizes, education, experience and age. The regression statistical model makes it possible to accurately estimate the amount of salary even with a low number of respondents in the desired sample if there are at least 50 valid completed questionnaires in its database. If we do not have such a number of data for the sample, the outputs are formed from data from the estimation model.

We compare our salary data with several sources, especially with salaries in job advertisements, but also with alternative suppliers of salary data.

The salary survey collects data continuously, 100-500 respondents are added to the survey every day. Each quarter, the regression and estimation models are recalculated, thus ensuring maximum timeliness of the data in our salary reports.

The list of job positions in the salary survey is based on the labor market and is constantly updated on the basis of suggestions from candidates and employers. The final list also reflects the number of employees in specific positions, as we take into account in particular the possibility of collecting a relevant amount of data. We avoid including very specific positions with a minimal presence on the labor market, as we could not guarantee the desired results. In such cases, we recommend looking for a more general or related position and taking into account the salary range.
Download the current list of positions assigned to individual areas of work. If you are missing a position in the list, contact us.

The client can purchase a Salary Report for a specific position or annual access to the Salary tool for selected countries. These services can also be combined. The price for the report and the tool depends on the selected country for which the service is ordered.

You can read about the entire salary survey methodology on a separate page How the Paylab.com page works .
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