Compensation and benefitsPay equitySalary negotiation
Only 6% of women are ranked among the best paid employees. For the sake of comparison, as many as 13% of working men belong to this group. At present, there is a lot of debate about the unequal remuneration of men and women. This phenomenon is rather complex and Paylab portal has focused on 7 areas which significantly help reduce salary differences.
In any case, Paylab’s advice to women is that one of the best weapons in the struggle against salary dissatisfaction is to regularly monitor salaries for the same work position and to assertively negotiate salary terms.
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Pay equitySalaries in segment
You are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of employees would want to know how high paycheck of their colleagues is. Salaries and wages remain a taboo subject in European countries. Companies usually try to keep pay details secret and very few employers publish salary and wage details in their job adverts. But companies are starting to drive some iniciatives to convince the workers that their company remuneration is fair. Are you sure that your remuneration is treated fairly compared to other colleagues in your company?
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Compensation and benefitsPay equitySalary negotiation
What kind of salary can we expect when we are celebrating our fiftieth birthday? Will it be higher or lower than today? The international Paylab.com portal prepared a number of points related to the topic of ageing, and we think that people should view their careers and pay from a broader perspective.
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Compensation and benefitsPay equity
Would you like an official way to determine just how much your colleague, neighbour, partner, acquaintance or friend earns? Simply put, no more taboos or secrets about pay among those around you. Imagine if you could conveniently log on to an online-system available any time of day and find out just how many digits are on the pay stubs of the people you know, and how much the government actually deducts from their income. Salary disclosure can lead to pay equality while the overall trend now is to increase salary and compensation transparency.
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Pay equitySalary negotiation
Women are, in general, less assertive than men in promoting their own professional interests and demands. A lack of initiative in promoting one’s own personal interests is one of the major factors why women earn less than men and why their careers progress much more slowly. Lower incomes put women at financial risk and disadvantage upon retirement, given their lower savings and pensions. Retired women, single women and single mothers are at the greatest risk of poverty. What stands behind this behaviour?
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Pay equityUncategorized
Every month when your bank account notification pops up on your mobile screen, it’s a good sign that your salary has arrived and is waiting to be spent on whatever you want. You know how it should go – lower wages, less spending, but when we make more money we naturally want to spend more. Our living standards are rising, we’re buying more expensive goods, and our expenses are increasing too. If we want to put some money aside, we can either plan our finances and eliminate impulse purchases or even find a side job to make more money.
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Pay equitySalary negotiation
Women earn less than men almost universally around the world. However, the pay gap between men and women can be overcome in many instances. Women can achieve higher salaries if they are more assertive and confident to bring up the subject when seeking a pay rise from their employer. Women largely rely on their honest and quality work paying dividends, without the need to actually negotiate their pay. While thanks for a job well done may be satisfying and strong motivation, such gratitude has no impact on their payslip. Paylab has prepared some tips for women to better negotiate their pay.
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